Namazad compost

Pure Compost is distinguished from a source of agricultural residues rich in large and minor elements of high quality.

Vermicompost (or vermi-compost) is a product of the fertilization process using different types of worms, usually red whites, white worms and other earthworms, to form a heterogeneous mix of decaying vegetables or food waste, bedding materials and vermicast.

Vermicast (also called worm castings, worm humus or worm manure) is the final product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms. [1] These castings were found to contain low levels of contaminants and higher saturation of nutrients than organic materials prior to vermicomposting. [2]

Vermicompost contains water-soluble nutrients and is an excellent nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. [3] It is used in agriculture and small-scale sustainable organic farming.

Vermicomposting can also be applied to treat sewage sludge. [4] Furthermore, a variation in the process is laser filtration (or digestion) which is used to remove organic matter, pathogens and oxygen demand from sewage or directly from black water for cleaning toilets.

Namazad compost

Organic matter (37%), Nitrogen (3.2%), Phosphorus (P2O5) (8.2%), Potassium (K2O) (1.0%), Minor elements (1.0%), Oxygen from 100 to 300 ppm, Cytokinin growth regulators from 400 To 1000 pp, jibriline growth regulators from 200 to 400 ppm.EC (11.2) m / ds ,,, pH (8.7)


Namazad compost

the benefits

– Works to increase the elements of large and small as well as easy to absorb, and works to improve the properties of the soil.
– It also increases the growth of the vegetative variety of the plant as well as the root total.
– Encouraging and increasing production rates as well as increasing fruit growth.
– It also works to increase plant immunity and resistance to diseases.
– It also works to increase the coloring of the plant and increase its size.
– Increases the validity of the crop after harvest with distinctive taste as well as distinctive beautiful smell.
– Helps soil retain water.

How to use

– In new agriculture or winter services mix Fermi by 1 to 5 of the mixture of service or from one to two tons per feddan.

– If the seedlings, mix by one to five of the seedling environment.

– If it is for domestic agriculture, add one or two large hanging on the soil and then irrigation and repeat this every ten days.

It is the result of digestion after complete decomposition of organic matter, in addition to the ability of these worms to overcome with the digestion of harmful residues in the organic material, this fertilizer alone is sufficient to meet the needs of plants of major and minor elements also works to facilitate or chelation of solid elements in the soil, which facilitates Plants have to be absorbed and utilized.


Namazad compost

Benefits of Vermi Compost

– For example, when adding 500 kilograms of Vermi compost to the soil it is better than ten tons compost normal.

– Vermi compost elements dissolve easily in water, while compost elements do not dissolve in water and plants can not benefit from it easily.

– Vermi compost effect appears within a very short period of its use can be less than a week, while the compost effect appears after a much longer period.

 Vermi Compost provides plants with the needs of major and minor elements only, but provides the soil with a large group of bacteria that have many important functions of plants, in the sense that it provides the soil plants that work to manufacture nutrients or growth regulators or materials to resist pests of the soil in the soil itself and this restores the soil vital again

 Vermi Compost contains antibiotics and fungi such as Actinomycosis, which raises the level of vital resistance to plants against insects and diseases, reducing the need to spray the pesticide

 Vermi compost is a cumulative effect and therefore its effect year after year is better if taking into account the use of organic pesticides under the level of soil to preserve the wealth that is growing from beneficial bacteria

How to use it

 In fruit: – The amount of Vermi compost required for fruit crops based on the type of crop with the age of trees and increase with increasing age of trees and the amount used for each tree ranges from 1 kg to 8 kg per tree by age as it is mixed with Sabbakh to be added for each tree directly under the tree with irrigation

In the case of deciduous trees such as grapes, it is preferable to delay the addition of Vermi compost to the localmanure where it is placed after the end of plant fasting (to be put in the beginning of March) in order not to weaken the beneficial bacteria due to low humidity to achieve the highest possible benefit.


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